Levels have been sent on Telegram, this post is unrelated to the overnight session of trading.
Well, at least Will Smith got an Oscar out of this.
In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a king who was punished by the gods to eternally roll a boulder up a hill, only for it to roll back down just before reaching the summit. This seemingly endless cycle of futile labor has come to symbolize the absurdity of human existence, a theme that was later explored by the philosopher Albert Camus in his essay "The Myth of Sisyphus." Surprisingly, the concept of finding happiness in this seemingly futile existence can be applied to both life and trading.
The Sisyphean Task in Life
Life is full of challenges, setbacks, and frustrations. Our efforts may often seem fruitless, and the struggle to find meaning and purpose can be daunting. However, it is important to recognize the value of the journey itself, rather than solely focusing on the outcome.
By adopting a Sisyphean mindset, we can learn to accept the struggles that life throws at us and persevere, even when it feels like we're rolling a boulder up a hill. This perspective allows us to find joy and satisfaction in the process, rather than being perpetually dissatisfied with the results. It is through embracing the challenge and the effort that we can derive meaning and happiness from our existence.
The Sisyphean Task in Trading
Trading is an inherently risky and uncertain endeavor, with no guarantees of success. Like Sisyphus, traders often find themselves facing an uphill battle, as they strive to make sense of the ever-changing markets and find profitable opportunities. Losses and setbacks are an inevitable part of the process, and even the most experienced traders can't avoid them entirely.
To find happiness and satisfaction in trading, one must learn to embrace the Sisyphean task and focus on the journey, rather than obsessing over the outcome. This means developing a growth mindset, whereby setbacks and failures are viewed as learning experiences rather than reasons to give up. By cultivating patience, persistence, and resilience, traders can find meaning and purpose in the pursuit of their goals, even when success seems elusive.
Moreover, a balanced approach to trading can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. By setting realistic expectations and understanding the inherent risks involved, traders can avoid the emotional turmoil that often accompanies the pursuit of wealth. In doing so, they can experience the joy of learning, growing, and navigating the complex world of trading, without being consumed by the desire for material success.
Algo just because you can’t sleep, don’t send me emails at 1am.
In both life and trading, embracing the Sisyphean task can provide a framework for happiness and fulfillment. By accepting the challenges and setbacks that come our way, and finding meaning in the journey itself, we can derive satisfaction from our efforts, regardless of the outcome. This mindset encourages resilience, growth, and patience, which can lead to a more balanced and enjoyable existence. Ultimately, the pursuit of happiness lies in the process of rolling our metaphorical boulder up the hill, not in reaching the elusive summit